Journal of the Centre for Research in Law and Development in Asia

The CRELDA Journal is a journal of research in law and development in Asia, providing a major platform for publication of high-quality research, policy and legal analysis within the field of law. It publishes refereed academic and practitioner papers on a wide range of legal topics such as corporate law, human rights and liberties, medical law and legal education.
The CRELDA Journal provides a robust peer reviewed medium and policy forum for dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The CRELDA Journal welcomes papers that display a good quality of legal analysis, new lines of legal thought or policy developments that go beyond mere descriptions of the law or policy.
e-ISSN no.: 2710-6527
Index: MyJurnal
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The CRELDA Journal is published annually and serves as an academic forum for legal scholarship with articles written by scholars, practitioners and students.
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2024 ISSUE
Alyaa Nadhirah Binti Dato Hj Mohamad Shariff, Dr. Ambikai S T Singam and Dr. Heama Latha Nair
Editorial Board Members
Professor Dr. Sumit Narula, Amity University, India;
Professor Dr. Md Anowar Zahid, Eastern University, Bangladesh;
Assistant Professor Dr. Cindy Whang, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan; and
Professor Dr. Goh Bee Chen, Southern Cross University, Australia.
Dr Tamara Joan Duraisingam, Taylor’s University, Malaysia; and
Dr Mogana Sunthari A/P Subramaniam, Taylor’s University, Malaysia.